2022 Clinical Update Symposium
Fracture Liaison Services (FLS): optimizing secondary fracture prevention
Organized by the BBC board
Moderator: Evelien Gielen (UZ Leuven) & Bruno Lapauw (Ghent University Hospital)
The Belgian Bone Club was delighted to invite you to its 2022 BBC Clinical Update Symposium which took place virtually on January 22, 2022.
As you must be aware, the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic is still strongly present in our daily lives and an important surge in the number of cases in Belgium has forced the Organizing Committee to opt for a fully virtual Symposium.
Physical Event
The on-site event canceled.
Virtual Event
Live broadcasting of the sessions & live Q&A with the on-site speakers on January 22, 2022
Access to the recordings after the event, for a duration of 6 months (until the end of July 2022)
Virtual platform: All connection details, practical information and access codes will be sent in due time to all duly registered participant (around 1 week prior to the event)
You can easily request your credentials on the e-congress platform, with the email address used for your registration.
INAMI/RIZIV Accredition: 3 credit points
To be credited, you will have to fill in an online form available on the virtual platform (this form was only be accessible on January 22, 2022)
Promotional package
Don’t hesitate to invite your colleagues to the BBC Symposium 2022 and share the visuals of the congress among your professional contacts.
Download nowThe Belgian Bone Club will organize its Annual Symposium on January 22, 2022 at the Area 42 in Brussels (and virtually for those not able to join us physically). The focus has been set on Fracture Liaison Service (FLS), its benefits and how to implement it.
Considering this, the BBC Board, with the support of Amgen, has decided to help one Belgian Hospital to develop an FLS within its facilities by offering a 10.000 € grant.
In addition to the grant, the winner will be asked to give a 10-minute talk to present his plan to the audience during the 2022 BBC Clinical Update Symposium.
The Belgian Bone Club and Amgen are therefore very pleased to invite you to apply to this great and unique award.Please find here below all the details related to the grant application.
We are really looking forward to receiving your application!
Yours sincerely,
On behalf of the BBC,
Prof. dr. Evelien Gielen
President of the Belgium Bone Club
Because of the ageing of the population, the number of fractures will continue to increase. To illustrate, as compared to 1990, in 2050 the worldwide incidence of hip fracture will increase by 310% in men and by 240% in women. Unfortunately, a large treatment gaps exist, leaving millions of fracture patients at high risk of future fractures. This is associated with an enormous socio-economic burden.
The implementation of FLS is the most important thing that can be done to improve patient care and to reduce fracture-related costs. Many studies have indeed shown that FLS increases osteoporosis diagnosis, treatment initiation and adherence, while decreasing the number of new fractures and mortality rates. Currently, for Belgium, only four hospitals have been mapped as FLS on the Capture the Fracture Map of Best Practice.
There is thus an urgent need for more hospitals in Belgium to create an FLS, in order to improve the care for fracture patients. The BBC wants to stimulate hospital centers to create an FLS, by offering a grant aimed to support the installation of a new FLS. The launch of this grant aims at stimulating hospital centers to think about the need for an FLS and to make a plan for the creation of their own FLS.
The grant of € 10.000 will be awarded to the applicant with the best proposal to create a new FLS center.
- Detailed plan (max 10 pages, in PDF) on how the application will create of a new FLS in his/her (Belgian) hospital center
- This plan must include a detailed financial plan
- Short CV summary of the applicant (one A4 page)
Deadline: 14th of November 2021
- Applicants should be BBC members
- Applicants should be up-to-date with their membership fee
- Applicants should be affiliated to a Belgian hospital
- Applicants should be duly registered to the On-Site BBC Symposium