Stefan Goemaere
Following my training as a rheumatologist at the Ghent University Hospital (Department of Rheumatology directed by Prof. E.M. Veys) in 1991, I focused my clinical and research activities on osteoporosis and metabolic bone diseases, although I also remained active in general rheumatology. I have been working for now more than 16 years in a multidisciplinary clinical research unit (Departments of Rheumatology and Endocrinology) in the Ghent University Hospital and I have collaborated with many disciplines, including gynecologists, physiotherapists, geriatricians, orthopedic surgeons, as well as with many general practitioners. With this background, I have experienced that the rheumatologist, with his training in Internal Medicine, his skills in locomotors evaluation and his broad experience of multiple intercollegial collaboration required for the care of rheumatic patients, is well placed and equipped to play a central role in the management of the broad range of clinical challenges posed by osteoporosis. I'm an author or co-author of 53 publications in peer-reviewed international journals and 129 abstracts on (inter) national congresses.
It is my goal to put my experience in this field of osteoporosis to the service of the Belgian Bone Club (BBC). Since 2004 I'm a board member of BBC and represent the society at other meetings, societies and foundations. My contributions besides exchanging scientific competence are organizing bone densitometry (DXA) and Osteoporosis diagnosis course, elaboration of the BBC website.
As rheumatologist I'm also a board member of the KBVR/SRBR (Koninklijke Belgische Vereniging voor Reumatologie -, Société Royale Belge de rhumatisme), where I actively contribute to a working group on osteoporosis, stimulate education, research programs and awareness activities.
I'm member of IOF (International Osteoporosis Foundation) where I' m involved in the committee of national societies as a representative for BBC and KBVR/SRBR and act as panelist for the European Union osteoporosis Interest group.